Georgia, Kobuleti.
Designed and made for me with my own hands.
I didn't do any drawings with precise dimensions, details and etc, because I like to change everythig in process. So I had some options in my head and just started to create.

It started with juicy yellow. I wanted this space to be more cheerful and sunny, so I've painted one wall in yellow, and all others in pure white, bacause I didn't have many time to take a decision about second colour, we needed a place to live in.

Then I used an old kitchen cabinets, that went with this house, but I rennovated them a little, because their backparts were made of very cheap material and they were damaged by the mould. So I scraped off this part, threw it away, and made a new one out of thin plywoood, that I covered with wallpaper.
I also had some troubles with hanging this cabinets because the walls in this house are made of some hollow bricks, and I couldn't find any firniture hanging fittings, so did it by myself of some wood bars that I mounted directly to the wall to spread the load of the hanging cabinets. Looks a little bit ugly, but, however, I'm sure that all this construction won't fall on my head.

Also I removed old tiles from the floor and made a huge kitchen backsplash and some electrisity wiring stuff behind the cabinets, extra sockets. extra switchings, extra lightings. I bought a sink and made an ugly temporary stand for it, because we were living in this house, while I was doing all of this.

I hated to cut this circular holes for the sockets in this little backsplash tiles. It took me a lot of time to do it at least acceptable. And all of the time I was thinking that I would cut my fingers.

Then I started to do the rest of kitchen cabinets, standing on the floor. I did them out of pine wooden blocks, sanded and painted, and I used a Kreg plug cutter to connect the parts. I did them without any doors because it's faster and cheaper, and I wasn't sure that I could handle with making the doors by myself.

Meanwhile we've got a problems with the roof, it was a very rainy and wet winter, so the roof leaked totally, the water was dripping at my face inside the house. We covered the roof with some new material, but the drywall layer on the ceiling was completely wet, and there was mold everywhere on the ceiling, so I had to remove it. I was very angry, because I freshly painted the walls and the ceiling a couple of month before that.
Simultaneously I had to align the floor level, and, as I was doing it myself and for the first time, it took me a lot of time, and I tried several methods, before ome of it worked.

Layed the new floor tiles and covered the countertop with some strange oil.

A friend of mine made a special hangers in some metal workshop to mantle the shelf to the wall.

Manteled the shelf, chaos everywhere. Time to hang the lights.

Meanwhile special COB LED strip was delivered to me from Russia.

And the final (but not so final) result.

I have dismantled old tiled floors, installed a new parquet board. Made an extra sockets, two-way switch and painted the walls.

Fastly made a cheap closet using my circular and mitre saw. Later I hanged a curtains on this closet so it wouldn't look so messy.

Making bedhead of pine blocks and plywood with sockets and switches in it.

There is a hidden sockets inside of the bedhead, because I'm crazy about small lighting thingies. So I plugged my garlands into this sockets and made an extra switch for this block of sockets.
I made the bed from 4 pallets, that I've cutted because I get them for free from some vine workshop and it took me very short time to do it. Two nightstands are made of pine furniture panels scraps.

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